Nazi Terrorist Attack in Charlottesville, Virginia

One person is confirmed dead and 35 injured. This terrorism must be a wake up call for everyone in America. If you haven't seen the news today, white nationalists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia.
They say this is about freedom of speech, speaking up for white interests the same way other groups speak up for the their interests and preserving history. That bit of history they are talking about is a statute of Robert E. Lee who stands for the Confederacy. I say the south needs to realize the Civil War is over and the Confederacy is no more.


1. The driver who plowed his car into a crowd of anti-white supremacy protesters was taken into custody.. alive. Had this been a Muslim or Black person, it is very likely he would have been shot on the scene.

2. The white supremacists had a group of self proclaimed "militia" dressed in army fatigues strapped up with guns. If say, Black Lives Matter, Latino or Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered to march in the street armed with guns, there would have been a lot of dead protesters shot down by the police.


Trump made a short, incredibly disappointing statement where he avoided naming the white supremacist, anti-Semitic racists which gives a clear signal to the country about where he stands in regard to white supremacy. Although his statement was made after the car plowed into the group of anti-supremacist marchers, he made no mention of this incident or the people hurt. In fact, he basically blamed everyone and said that the violence needs to stop "...on all sides, on all sides."

Trump's statement gives a false equivalency between the white supremacists who came with guns,
police shields, dressed like an army etc. and counter protesters who came as peaceful protesters. Neglecting to call out the racists and his willingness to blame all sides shows his cowardice and more importantly, his own racism. David Duke  enthusiastically called Trump out today and said white supremacists will fulfill Trump's campaign promises. Today confirms Trump knows very well that his racist, divisive rhetoric bellowed throughout his campaign is what put him into his current position. He does not want to condemn the alt-right, racist, white supremacist, anti-Semitic base because if he does, he will lose the 30% of support he has left in this country.


They chanted, "White lives matter! You will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!" Those three statements are so ignorant on so many levels. Judging by how they dressed and armed themselves, they came out to fight. A look at the violent images and you will see the white Nazis dressed with helmets, with police style shields, arm guards, pepper spray, sticks and throwing water bottles filled with cement. David Duke said they are doing what Trump promised them in his campaign, "taking back their country."

White lives matter!

Yes, they do matter! All over the world, white lives matter more than every other life. I'm just wondering why you felt the need to come out to the streets to tell us what we already know.

Jews will not replace us!

No, Jews will not replace white people because they are a very tiny ethnic group and even if they started to have extremely large families, they will not be able to replace white people anywhere on earth. So you can calm down there. But what is this - racism toward Jews? Wasn't Jesus a Jew and isn't that who most Christians of this nation call God? How can one who calls themselves Christian,  while being racist to their own deity? The blessed mother of Jesus, Mary, was also a Jew. If her and Jesus were to show up today, they would have been counter protesting. They would have been on the receiving end of these despicable insults. I can't seem to wrap my mind around it.

You will not replace us!

Okay, who is the YOU in this context? Is it every minority in the country collectively? If so, I'm sorry but white people will be outnumbered in a few decades. Are you afraid of some type of payback? Exactly what is the  Alt-Rights' issue with being outnumbered by other races when white people displaced, massacred and raped the brown skinned natives? So in this case, you are simply being outnumbered due to growing minority populations that you caused to come to America in the first place. Lets look at my Mexican brothers and sisters. You displaced many of them when you crossed their border and took some of their land. So I say, fair is fair, let them come. Secondly, because of your horrible economic political decisions, Mexicans suffer from extreme poverty which breeds all the other problems, including the gangs and drugs. Take responsibility for your racist policies that benefit America and its white  neighbors to the north (Canada) but make Mexico always suffer.

Does the YOU mean black people? If so, it baffles my mind how any American can be so profoundly ignorant of how and why black people are in America in the first place. Let me remind you, it was your white ancestors people who captured,  murdered, raped and enslaved the ancestors of the black people here today. Yes, that was hundreds of years ago, but this government has systematically oppressed black people in this country ever since. Yes, we had the Civil Rights Movement. And in return for that, the government got smarter and started the so called, "War on Drugs" to lock up as many black people as they could. If you don't believe me, then why has Trump declared a state of national emergency for the opioid issues which is a drug of choice for white people instead of another War on Drugs? In America today, the darker your skin, the less money you will earn. A white high school dropout has more earning potential than a black man with a college degree. Black people are disproportionately, systematically, and at an annually increasing rate, thrown into an increasingly corporatized prison system which is simply back door slavery in America. Mothers of black sons have to worry every time their child leaves the house that a white police officer won't shoot their son for being outside while black.

It's high time America take notes from Germany who has learned to deal with their ugly past and vowed to not repeat it. Yes, I said America needs to learn from Germany. The Germans have taken conscious steps to face the demons of racism by teaching their youth in school about the horrors their country unleashed on the Jews. The students are taught to look toward others with compassion and to live conscientiously to ensure that this type of hate never sparks up again. They have embraced it. America has never properly admitted to or taken responsibility of the annihilation of the Native Americans nor the centuries of slavery inflicted upon Africans in America. Until that happens, we will always have these KKK, white supremacist types staunchly marching down our streets.


Heather Heyer woke up today and said she was not okay with Nazi's or KKK flying their flags down the street of her town. She came out and marched with hundreds of other white people who are not okay with racism. That person lost their life today. She became a martyr in many people's eyes. Sadly, I don't think this will be the last. If this does not wake everyone in America up to unite against this hate, then we are saying we don't value the person who lost their life today. I don't know if she was a mother but she was someone's daughter and maybe a wife or sister. My heart goes out to her family and friends. Inna lillahe wa inna ilaayhee rajaeeoon (from God we come and unto Him is the return). 

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  1. Very well written. Thank you for saying what were all thinking and feeling. Keep up the good work.

  2. Yeah, I wonder about the "you" aspect as well. I wasn't following the news at the beginning of this insanity. I know that there was anger around the confederate statute being taken down---so perhaps the anger was aimed at blacks... but the level of anger is so disproportionate that act.

  3. The white supremacists were calling others "animals" and "vermin". That says a lot. This article calls out the things that are amiss in our country and that many people still need to wake up to. Jazaakillaahu khayr for speaking up against both apparent and hidden oppression.

  4. SUBHANALLAH! In other countries when this happens it is what it is, TERRORISM!

  5. LA HAWALA WA LA QUWATA ILAAH BILAAH!! So today, a Muslim did the same horrible act and NOW it is TERRORISM... May Allah azza wa jaal guide and protect all of us, Ameen.
