Defender of Quran: Quran Burning in Norway

Defender of Quran

You might have heard about the Defender of Quran. At an anti-Islam rally titled, "Stop the Islamisation of Norway," a man protected by police barricades decided to burn the Quran.  It was obviously too much for Ilyas to stomach because he jumped over the barricade and kicked the man burning the Quran. Since then, Muslims across the world are calling him things like, "Hero of the Ummah" and "Defender of Quran." His real name isn't yet clear. Some say his is a Kurdish brother by the name of Falah Harki while the internet has nicknamed him Ilyas.

In society today, it seems there is no line drawn when it comes to freedom of speech. So people are able to use tax payers' money to have police protect them while they stir up hate speech against an entire religion that claims about 2 billion followers; namely, Islam. In kindergarten, we teach our youth to be respectful to others beliefs and ways of life. We teach them to be compassionate toward others and treat them as we would like to be treated. What are we teaching our children where they see adults unapologetically disgracing the most veneered part of someone's religion while the "good guys" (the police) are protecting them as they do it?

I'm not saying I promote violence as a way of solving issues. But let me ask you, what happens to the bully at school when the victim has had enough and sees the teacher isn't doing anything about it? We've all seen how that ends. The bully gets what was coming to him.

The Complete Video of the Defender of Quran

Their Burning the Scripture of a Religion that Promotes Tolerance

Has this Quran burner ever opened it up to read it? In the Quran, it says, "For you your way of life/religion and for me is my way of life/religion." chapter 109, verse 6. In Chapter 2, verse 256, the Quran says, "There is no compulsion in religion..." A Muslim can't force others to be Muslim and Muhammad saws never did this. So the entire rally in Norway is based on a false precept. In actuality, there is no "Islamisation of Norway." Rather there are Muslims living there, minding their own business and trying to live their lives according to their deen (way of life) as best as they can and bigots are offended by breathing the same air. Today, bigots are offended by seeing a woman with hijab and call the halal restaurant around the corner Islamisation.

لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ2:256

A Two-Sided Crime

The world is truly upside down today. Even holding a rally such as this one is in fact a crime even though the man-made and heavily flawed system of democracy has made it legal. On the other side of the barricade is the other crime, the majority of 2 billion Muslims are feeling paralyzed or restrained, being forced to allow anything to be said or done disgraceful to our deen (way of life), our beloved Prophet Muhammad saws and our Quran.

It feels as if Ilyas embodied the frustration of the ummah when he jumped over that barricade. When he gave that kick, it was coming from the ummah. In my opinion, Ilyas is a hero. He stood up against this insanity they want us to accept. I would love to hear what you think. Is Ilyas a hero or did he go to far? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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