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Happy Introvert in Isolation |
While introverts everywhere are celebrating for the opportunity to stay away from people even more so than they normally do, the rest of us are wondering how this might affect our psyche. Some may feel a bit anxious about being keeping their families occupied. Others may feel anxious about facing themselves which is a deeper issue. Whatever it is, it is all understandable as this is not a vacation. However, there is a brighter side to this whole quarantine / isolation situation.
As much as we are encouraged by Muhammad saws to stick with the jamaat / congregation, intermingle with people even if they annoy us and teach others about Islam, you might not realize that isolation its respective place in Islam. From an Islamic perspective, isolation has both a negative and positive aspects, depending on the intention or precursor to your isolation. Generally speaking, if you seek isolation on a permanent basis to stay away from people, it is discouraged in Islam. Contrarily, there are legitimate cases where isolation is actually encouraged.
Times Isolation is Encouraged in Islam
- To prevent sickness/disease from spreading from one house or town to another.
Narrated Saud: The Prophet Muhammad saws said, "If you hear of an outbreak of plague(contagious disease) in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place."
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 624
- To seek refuge from tribulations that would negatively affect your religious faith.
Although this story pre-dates Islam, it is mentioned in the Quran in surah/chapter Kahf (The Cave) which mentions a story known to at least one other Abrahamic Faith (Christianity). This story is about the people who suffered a trial of faith and retreated to a cave in order to save their beliefs. They are best known as the Seven Sleepers.
Prophet Muhammad saws addressed this issue of retreating to save your faith as follows.
A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, "Which of the people is best?"
He (peace be upon him) replied, "A man who strives in the sake of Allah with his wealth and his self."
The man asked, "Then (after that) who?"
Muhammad saws responded, "A believer in a mountain pass who worships Allah and leaves people alone."This reference to the mountain pass is understood as a referring to any place where very few people traverse. It is also understood / implied that the isolation mentioned is for religious purposes. This hadith is explained more thoroughly here: Islam Q & A explaining hadith on permissible isolation
Muhammad (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to take small bouts of time out for isolation and mediation in the tiny Cave Hira on Jabl-an-Noor (Mountain of Light) in Mecca. My family was blessed with visiting this cave and indeed it is a high climb to the top of the mountain and very tiny space inside the cave for a person to truly find solitude. So we know it is a healthy thing to have some time to yourself to contemplate life, your relationship with your Creator and clear your mind.
Benefits of this Time of Isolation
The greatest blessing of this quarantining is the gift of time. In surah Asr, Allah swears by time and says man is in a state of loss/decline.
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ
- You can spend this blessed time making dua, reconnecting to Allah, making astaghfar (asking for forgiveness) and reconnecting to the Word of Allah by reading/listening to Quran and Tafsir.
- Extra time to reflect on the person you've become. If you have some things you want to change, take time to making and implementing a plan of action to change.
- Chance to reconnect with your family. Usually we are so busy with school and work, wishing we had more time with our families so take advantage now.
- An opportunity to return to an old passion. If you are reader, pick up that novel you have been meaning to read or get back into your calligraphy or painting.
Things to do While in Quarantine/Isolation with your Family
- Spend some family time, even if it is 20 minutes a day, connecting to Allah.
- Watch or Re-watch the Omar Series
- Watch Payitaht Series with English subtitles to learn about the Great Kaliph of the Muslim world, Sultan AbdulHamid.
- Listen to a comprehensive seerah of Muhammad saws. You can listen at this site and you can also print out all the notes for your family to highlight and take notes with as you go along each day. This will help with daydreaming. Try just 30 minutes at a time to be considerate of attention spans of various ages within your home.
- Encourage creativity with through writing or art. Here is a cool drawing tool I ordered on Amazon. Young and old in the house can have a good time with this. It is called the Magcon Drawing Tool on Amazon for under $20.
Struggling with Video games? Cartoons? Social Media and Cell Phones?
If you don't feel comfortable taking these things away or turning off the wifi, join many other families. I know it is very difficult for many families to fight their children on the electronic VICES or devices. Instead of seeming like a tyrant and entering into the arena of a fight with your family. Try these tips and when you invite the family to these things, make it clear that this is cell phone/game/social media free time.
Make sure you do spend some quality time together each day whether its watching an Islamic series, listening to a lecture or doing some art/reading together.
Involved the family in cooking and cleaning together. Take some time to reorganize and declutter....together.
Encourage the family to spend some individual time doing something on their own that is free of the vices each day for at least one hour.
In closing, from my family to yours, we pray Allah protect everyone from all sicknesses and grant speedy recovery to all those suffering. Please share in the comments what you're doing to keep yourself and family happily occupied through this.