Let’s Bust into Some Coconuts!

Just in case you haven’t noticed, we have a health crisis going on in America. Take a look at the first line of the medical research done on coconut oil published in 2017,

“Obesity is at epidemic levels, particularly in western cultures such as the United States, where recent epidemiological statistics indicate that 40% of American women are obese.” Link to medical research article on obesity levels  

As much as we want to keep moseying on along with our same old habits like it ain’t gonna happen to us or anyone in our family, we just can’t! Just ask Dr. Mary Newport who had to stop working to take care of her husband full time because he came down with a totally preventable disease called Alzheimers at 51 years old. She wrote a book explaining her story and how she reversed her husband’s alzheimers using coconut and MCT Oil. It’s called, Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure? Link to Mary's story on how she used coconuts to cure Alzheimer's.

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about eating coconuts, coconut oil and MCT Oil. I’ll explain what makes this fat healthy, how to buy coconuts and oil. If you know my articles, I have to get into the science bit to really explain it but first… the fun part!

Let’s Bust Open a Coconut!

I bust open anywhere from 7 to 20 coconuts a week. I try to eat at least one a day but sometimes get up to 3. At first I was using a hammer and a screwdriver, until a friend of mine showed me the type of knife I need and how to use it.
Tools: There’s a variety of fancy tools on Amazon you can use to open up a coconut but I’m kind of regular so I’m using this cheap knife from Walmart that works just fine.

In the Islamic faith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Allah did not send down any disease but that he also sent its cure," so we know that Allah created the diseases and also left us the cure down here on Earth. Its up to us to put down that fried chicken wing and pick up a coconut! We need to be eating everything that keeps us healthy and pray for great health.

If you've read my articles, you know I like to break things down so get ready for a bit of science behind behind the coconut buzz. I care about you and your health and I think if you know why and how something works in your body, you will be more willing to go eat it regularly. But if you don’t care for the science bit, skip to the recipes and how to videos. Bottom line, eat at least a few whole coconuts a week, drink MCT Oil and cook with Coconut oil to fight and prevent a spectrum of diseases.

What is MCT Oil?
MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. Okay coocoo for coconuts, what in the world is all that? It’s actually simple science, as opposed to complicated science which I don’t play with. So check it out.
Coconut oil is a fat. With fats in general, they are carbon atoms linked together, hence the word chains. There’s basically 3 types of chains, SCFA or Short Chain Fatty Acids, LCT or Long Chain Triglycerides and save our favorite for the end… MCT or Medium Chain Triglycerides.

Why is it called Medium?
SCFA: 2 – 6 carbon atoms linked together
LCT: 12 – 22 carbon atoms linked together
MCT: 6 – 10 carbon atoms linked together.
So you see MCT have the medium amount of carbon atoms linked together.

What is a Triglyceride?
Triglyceride is a long ridiculous word for fat. So in my case, I am carrying around a whole bunch of triglycerides. No, seriously, its really not so ridiculous when you think about for 2 seconds.

What do triglycerides do?
They go into the cells and are either burned for energy or stored as fat.
Triglycerides literally means 3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol spine.

Why is MCT Oil so special?
Has 10% lower calories as compared to other kinds of fats. Other fats are 9 to 9.5 calories while MCT are only 8.
Why is it lower calories? Because MCTs have a shorter chain which allows them digest significantly faster than other fats. Now for the best part…

MCT Oil is less likely to be stored as fat in your body and more likely to be used as quick source of energy!

How is MCT Oil / Coconut Fat Digested Differently from Most Other Fats?
First off, know that most other fats we consume are LCTs (Long Chain Triglycerides). LCTs have to go through a lengthier and taxing digestive process in our body including the liver and bile salts. That is simply harder on our body, takes longer, and the reason most other fats we consume are more likely stored as fat. Coconut and MCT Oil does not need bile salts so it goes directly into our blood stream making it an immediate source of energy instead of being stored as fat.

How exactly does MCT Oil boost your energy?
I’m going to explain how MCT Oil is easily converted into energy for you and why you should be drinking some early in the morning.

Here’s where elementary school science you thought was useless comes in to play in life…finally. It all starts in the mitochondria. Inside our mitochondria is where ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is created. ATP is simply a coenzyme our happy little cells like to use for energy storage.
ATP has a love affair with MCT Oil. Due to its medium chain length, MCTs are immediately able to go into the mitochondria and create ATP (energy for us). That’s why you need to get some of this in your morning drink or 2:00 afternoon fading away booster instead of a Monster drink or 5-Hour Energy.

Long Chain Triglycerides go through a different digestive process first as they are NOT digested as easily and when they finally get to the mitochondria, they are not able to get in the door immediately. They knock on the door and realize they forgot their key to get in…carnitine. So LCTs don’t get there as quickly and then need something else to let them into the mitochondria before they can try to be used as energy. On the other hand, while MCTs get immediate access to the mitochondria, more Acetyl CoA   is created. Acetyl CoA is essentially a molecule involved delivery with energy production. Having more Acetyl CoA leads to more ketones which leads to more energy.

Hence, LCTs are more likely stored as fat while MCTs are more likely used as energy!

Coconut Oil and MCT

How can I get MCT Oil?

1. If you have coconut oil, over 50% of coconut oil is MCTs. So you can get it that way.
2. Buy pure MCT Oil. MCT Oil can be found today at most grocery stores and health stores including Walmart and Kroger.
3. Eat coconuts

Benefits of Coconut Oil 

Because coconut oil contains MCTs in it, the benefits are basically the same as what I listed for MCT Oil. There are some added benefits of using coconut oil on your skin and hair.
Coconut oil fights cellulite on your body if applied directly to your skin over time
          Coconut oil helps build collagen so it is good for your face, wrinkles, etc
          Coconut oil helps wounds heal faster because it is anti-inflammatory, encourages your body’s natural antioxidant defense. 
      Coconut oil is also naturally anti-microbial so it helps keep your wound from getting infected

Treat Candida / Yeast / Fungus with Coconut Oil

·        Consuming a lot of coconut oil and avoiding sugary foods and carbs like bread, pasta and rice will help you fight off candida overgrowth. An overgrowth of candida albicans a.k.a. yeast in your gut is the cause of mile long list of issues many people are walking around with today. It shows up as causing everything from allergies, eczema all the way to constipation. Coconut oil is an amazing thing for our intestinal tract and immune system because it has Capryllic Acid, Lauric Acid and Capric Acid in it.
·         In the last 50 years, scientific research has found that Lauric Acid and Capric Acid and Capryllica Acid not only inhibit the growth of candida but also kills the candida albicans. These acids help regulate the acidity level in your stomach and intestinal tract. This all in turn boosts your immune system.
·         Check this medical research published in the US National Library of Medicine which concludes in encourage people to use coconut oil as an anti-fungal because fungal infections including candida overgrowth has gained such a resistance to prescription antifungals.  Link to published medical research on coconut oil

      This makes coconut oil a natural antifungal which works as well as prescription antifungals without any side effects

Here are the 4 Medium Chain Fatty Acids Found in Coconut Oil:
    Lauric Acid (12 carbon atoms)
   Caprylic Acid (8 carbon atoms)
 Caproic Acid (6 carbon atoms)
 Capric Acid (10 carbon atoms)

The Right Way to Buy Coconut Oil:

You have to be careful not to buy chemically processed coconut oil.
Do not buy coconut oil that is:
partially hydrogenated
Do Buy Coconut Oil that Says:
USDA Organic: These coconuts don’t have pesticides and other harmful cultivation processes.

A Few Notes on Refined vs Unrefined Coconut Oil:

Refined Coconut Oil:
·         more processed than unrefined coconut oil
·         has less coconut flavor
·         is able to be used to cook with at higher temperature
·         buy refined coconut oil that was processed without chemicals such as these better alternative processes (some heat, spinning/gravity, friction,)

Unrefined Coconut Oil:
·         raw
·         no chemicals in the process of taking the oil from the coconut meat
·         no high-heat used to refine the oil
·         more coconut flavor
·         retains 100% of the health benefits of coconut oil

Most Expensive Type of Coconut Oil: Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil
·         centrifugal force is used to separate the oil from the chilled coconut milk
·         light coconut flavor
·         raw
·         retains 100% the health benefits of coconut oil

Virgin vs Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Both are the same

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil:
·         better because it uses low temperature to extract the oil
·         strong coconut flavor
·         raw
·         retains 100% of health benefits
·         may have traces of coconut meat in it

Expeller-pressed Coconut Oil:
·         less coconut flavor
·         uses a mechanical process instead of chemical to extract oil
·         has a higher smoke point so it is good to use for cooking at higher temperatures
Use a safely refined oil or expeller-pressed for cooking at high temperatures.
Use cold-pressed, or unrefined coconut oil to add to cooked foods and drinks/ smoothies.
Cooking with Coconut Oil:
·         Less calories compared to other oils.
·         Sweet, nutty, tropical flavor
·         Use a coconut oil with a higher smoke point like expeller-pressed
Spray, Oil,

Foods you can put coconut oil in many foods. Use cold-pressed unless you’re cooking at high heat:
Put it in your rice. I’ve tried it with cooking brown, white and black rice. It gives a nice sweet nutty flavor.
Quinoa: I cook all colors of quinoa and put two spoons of coconut oil in while its cooking.
Eggs: Put a little on your pan before you crack open some eggs.
Oatmeal: add a spoon in as your cooking it or afterwards.
Stews and Soups: I never leave out coconut oil from my chicken soup, beef, lamb or goat stew.
Put a spoon of it in your smoothie. 

What are the best kinds to buy? In my opinion, Young Thai Coconuts are the best. I’ve tried them from Vietnam and didn’t like them.

Recipe for coconut drink: 
1 Young Thai coconut
Mint Leaves
Squeeze some fresh lime juice
Pink Himalayan Salt (optional)
Organic Stevia (optional)
3 spoons of coconut vinegar (optional to add some prebiotics)
Use your Ninja Blender to blend all these ingredients and enjoy!

Coconut for your skin: Homemade coconut cream/ butter.

Coconut Oil for your Hair:

My mother always put coconut oil in my hair as a child. This luxurious, rich treatment for your scalp and hair is well known in the eastern hemisphere, especially among Indian-Pakistani people. Healthy, beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp. Protein loss is what causes breakage and dryness. Use coconut oil in place of your conditioner after using an organic, gently shampoo to fight protein loss.

Please know that while coconut oil can improve your hair, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, applying heat, color and harsh chemicals to your hair will undo any improvement coconut oil can give.

·         Its antimicrobial properties, MCTs, and lauric acid all help to strengthen hair
·         Makes your hair lustrous, shiny, soft and adds volume!
·         Stimulates hair growth as it gets deep into the hair follicles and nourishes them
·         Prevents and fights against dandruff and other dry scalp issues
·         Full of vitamins and minerals
·         Safe as a leave in conditioner
·         Safe on children
·         Helps with thinning hair

TAKE AWAY: If you take anything away from this article, I hope you start eating some coconuts, using coconut oil in your food and start adding MCT Oil to your diet. I'm praying for your health and mine!

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