Coward Punches A Very Pregnant Muslim Sister in Australia

Coward Punches A Very Pregnant Muslim Sister in Australia

I've been hearing about the Islamophobia in Australia and the attacks on Muslims that come with that over the years but this still shocked me. Honestly, we shouldn't get desensitized to hate crimes toward anyone. It made me sick in my stomach to see this man walk up to three Muslim women then pound the head in of the very pregnant one.

He was pounding her head into the table then finally stomped on her head before the people around him were able to get him away from her. It hurt deep inside to watch that video and see how helpless her two friends that came with her were as well as the 10 or more people standing around. I don't want to see anything like this happen to another Muslima.

I'm blaming Islamophobia campaigns and their roots. The likes of Donald Trump and the many politicians across Europe who echo his far right, us against them, polarizing rhetoric. The climate in America and other Western countries wasn't exactly comfortable for Muslims prior to Trump era but it has definitely worsened.

I would love to hear from other sisters from around the world if this is true for them as well. Is it mostly men that are verbally or physically carrying out these attacks on Muslim women when they are without any male accompanying them? In my experience in America, the only hate speech / taunting I've experienced have been from  men and when I am without my husband or sons. My point is these men are the exemplar of cowards.

Although we can't do anything about these hyper aggressive, hateful bigoted men, I can offer some advice that I hope will help my sisters. Please be aware that these events are not one offs. They are increasing and I don't see anything happening in society to notion that it will calm down. If anything, it looks like once Trump won with his idiotic campaign, European politicians realized being a bigot will get you the winning ticket. That along with the influx of Muslim immigrants is only heating up the temperature.

I have 20 tips for Muslim women. But before I get into them, if you watch the video, you will see the man came up to the women's table first, said a racial / religious slur, then finally reached across with a punch. Sisters would have been better of had they stopped him right there. He invaded their privacy and personal space. It would have better if they had gotten up in response and started walking away to ask for help while keeping their eyes on him.

What We Can Do
  • Say your dua for protection every time you leave your home
  • Be aware, be aware, be aware of your surroundings
  • Watch everyone who comes towards you, behind you, even in a restaurant
  • Trust your gut instinct
  • Make eye contact with people, let them know you see them and you are paying attention
  • Cowards love the element of surprise so don't let anyone surprise you
  • Realize your hijab is a big red target on your back every second  you step out of your house and act accordingly
  • If someone comes up to you, as this man did, be ready for anything. 
  • Watch the video and see how quickly someone can cover striking distance 
  • Plan your outings with a male family member
  • For example, if you have to go grocery shopping and live in a town where you there are a lot of racists and bigots, please try to rearrange your shopping schedule so that you can go with your husband, brother, father etc
  • Order things online
  • If it is not possible to have a male family member hang out nearby to show there is a male presence, then speak to your friends and make sure they are on the same page as far as awareness. 
  • Invite friends over for fun at home and cook or order food in
  • Try not to sit with your back to entrances. If your friends sit with their backs to the entrance,  then you be the most observant one watching who is coming in and out. 
  • Avoid very crowded venues whenever possible
  • If someone merely says something rude to you, it is your call but my advice is keep your awareness of where they are and how they are moving but don't respond
  • If you can leave a situation where a man is saying racial slurs to you, then leave without saying a word
  • Take some self defense classes 

My uncle Umar is a retired U.S. Marine and spent years as a Security Specialist. This is the reason I put taking self defense classes last. Knowing how to defend yourself and block a punch is a vital part of any security plan but awareness and avoidance of possible situations needs to take priority in your ongoing safety strategy in life.

It isn't about taking your freedom to move around as you please. It really is about being realistic about who you are and who you're facing in the world. At the Islamic School of Irving where I used to teach, there were people protesting, armed with long range rifles. Since then, the students no longer are allowed to play outside during school hours. It is a bit sad but which would be more sad if an ignoramus came and hurt one of the students?

Bringing along a male presence isn't about losing rights as women or saying women are weak. Contrary to what society tells you today, there is a physical and hormonal difference between men and women leaving us physically weaker and with a less aggressive disposition. 

What Else Can We Do

Spread some positivism and show people who aren't Muslim your humanity. Get involved with activities charity/ volunteer work. Invite your neighbors to the masjid. Get involved with community events. Smile and speak to people. Since I've had the blessing to travel to other countries, I've had a taste of what it is like to be a foreigner in a foreign land and not know the language. However, I urge you to try to be friendly with other people you encounter, as long as they are not posing any threat of course.
Crack a joke with the waitress, let them see your humanity. When all they know about Muslims is what they see on the news, then here you come looking as stern as you can  and check out at the grocery store as if you can't crack a smile at the lady checking your groceries, you don't do yourself or the rest of us any favors.

I've had people at corporate jobs tell me I'm the first Muslim they've ever talked to because the rest that they've worked with just don't speak or open up at all. I feel badly when I hear those things. We can't control others who treat us inhumanely the way this man beat our poor sister, but we can definitely do our part to share our humanity. Please sisters, let's work to improve our situational awareness and spread a positive image of Muslims. Stay safe and keep up the dua. Please share your tips and comments below so we can all benefit inshAllah.

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